1 && $d==1) return date("M", mktime(0, 0, 0, $m, 1, 2005)) . " " .$y; //if the day is other than 1 we show the full date if($d>1) return date("M", mktime(0, 0, 0, $m, 1, 2005)) . " $d, $y"; return false; } function display_alert_box($displayString=false, $goodBad="bad"){ $goodBad=strtolower($goodBad); if($displayString && strlen($displayString)>=1 && ($goodBad=="good" || $goodBad=="bad")){ if($goodBad=="good"){ echo "
\n"; } else{ echo "
\n"; } } else{ return false; } } //a boolean that decides whether any search results were found so we can determine whether to let them add to a timeline $searchResultsFound=false; //we need to check for any variables submitted if( isset($_GET['terms']) ){ //something was searched for $terms = $_GET['terms']; if( strlen($terms)>=2 && strlen($terms)<=255 && is_string($terms) ){ $terms=sanitize(trim($terms)); //the terms are legit, so now we decide how to sort the results if( isset($_GET['sort']) ){ $sort=$_GET['sort']; } else{ $sort="ORDER BY score ASC"; } if($sort=="az"){ $sort="ORDER BY title ASC"; } elseif($sort=="za"){ $sort="ORDER BY title DESC"; } elseif($sort=="old"){ $sort="ORDER BY created ASC"; } elseif($sort=="new"){ $sort="ORDER BY created DESC"; } elseif($sort=="con"){ $sort="ORDER BY contributor DESC"; } else{ $sort="ORDER BY score ASC"; } //run the typical query $sqlQuery="SELECT id, title, description, contributor, created, MATCH(title, description) AGAINST ('$terms') AS score FROM Timelines WHERE MATCH(title, description) AGAINST ('$terms') OR title='$terms' $sort LIMIT 50"; } else{ $errorMessage[]="Something is wrong with your search terms. The terms must be words between 2 and 255 letters long."; } } elseif( isset($_GET['special']) ){ //now that sorting is done we can go ahead and search $special=$_GET['special']; //run the special if( $special=="new" ){ $sqlQuery="SELECT id, title, description, contributor, created FROM Timelines ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT 25"; } else{ //run the typical query $sqlQuery="SELECT id, title, description, contributor, created, MATCH(title, description) AGAINST ('$terms') AS score FROM Timelines WHERE MATCH(title, description) AGAINST ('$terms') OR title='$terms' $sort LIMIT 50"; } } else{ //they didn't give us any terms so we don't need to do anything but give instructions $sqlQuery=false; } ?>

Browse Timelines

Sort: [A->Z] [Z->A] [Oldest->Newest] [Newest->Oldest] [Contributor]
=1 ){ //display any error messages we may have generated foreach($errorMessage as $error){ display_alert_box($error, "bad"); } } else{ //no errors so we can show results if($sqlQuery){ //echo "

" . $sqlQuery . "

\n"; $result=database_query($sqlQuery); if( $result && mysql_num_rows($result) ){ //display any extra messages we need to if($special=="new"){ display_alert_box("Viewing the 25 newest timelines.", "good"); } //we got results from the search while($myrow=mysql_fetch_row($result)){ if(strlen($myrow[2])>300){ $previewText=substr($myrow[2], 0, 300) . "..."; } else { $previewText=$myrow[2]; } echo "

\n"; echo "Contributed by $myrow[3]

\n"; } } else{ //we did not get results from the search } } else{ echo "

Perform a search to see what timelines are available.

\n"; } } ?>