Media Lookup

Media lookup is a collection of services for looking up publications and media. It will help you obtain information about items and help you find them in a library near you.



Book Lookup (ISBN)

Lookup a book by ISBN number (10 digits long). Enter just the ten digit number with no spaces or other marks. Ignore dashes.

Enter ISBN Number:



Periodical Lookup (ISSN)

Lookup a periodical publication (such as a journal or magazine) by ISSN number (8 digits long). Enter just the eight digit number with no spaces or other marks. Ignore dashes.

Enter ISSN Number:



WorldCat Media Search

This is a media search powered by WorldCat the world's largest catalog of library items in the world.

Enter the items you are searching for (title, author, or subject) and WorldCat will help you find it in a library near you.

Enter your WorldCat Search:



Your submission is sent to other servers (such as WorldCat) and you leave our site to get some results.