
\n"; } if(!validate_username($username)){ //they failed to supply a valid username $error=true; $errorMessage="You need to select a username (3-25 letters or numbers). If you provided one then it appears to be in use already."; echo "


\n"; } if(!validate_email($email)){ //they failed to supply a valid email $error=true; $errorMessage="You need to provide a valid email address. If you provided a valid email then it appears to be in use already."; echo "


\n"; } if(!validate_password($password1) || !validate_password($password2) || $password1!=$password2){ //the passwords are invalid or do not match $error=true; $errorMessage="Your password must be 6-24 characters long and contain ONLY letters and numbers. Also make sure you enter the same password twice for confirmation."; echo "


\n"; } if(!$error){ //it appears to be good so we can add the user $queryString="INSERT INTO Members(username, name, email, password, category, status, created) VALUES('$username', '$name', '$email', MD5('$password1'), 0, 0, NOW())"; //echo "


\n"; $result=database_query($queryString); if($result){ //the new user was added to Members $userAdded=true; //get the new ID of our newly created user $result=database_query("SELECT id FROM Members WHERE username='$username' LIMIT 1"); $myrow=mysql_fetch_row($result); $lastID=$myrow[0]; //use the ID to add an entry in Profiles for the new user $result=database_query("INSERT INTO Profiles(userID) VALUES($lastID)"); if(!$result){ echo "

There was a technical problem creating your account. Your membership has been created but we failed to create a profile for you. We will try to correct this problem quickly.

"; } } else{ $error=true; $errorMessage="We apologize, there was a technical problem creating your account. Please try again a little later."; //echo "


\n"; } } } //if we added the new user correctly then let's forward them along to the account page if($userAdded && !$error){ $result=database_query("SELECT created FROM Members WHERE username='$username' LIMIT 1"); if($result){ $myrow=mysql_fetch_row($result); $timestamp=strrev($myrow[0]); //add the user to the gallery too GalleryEmbed::init(array('fullInit' => true), $gallery2_dir.'index.php?module=gallery2', '.', $gallery2_dir.'index.php'); $args=array('email' => $email, 'fullname' => $name, 'password' => $password1, 'username' => $username); GalleryEmbed::createUser($username,$args); $ret = GalleryEmbed::done(); if ($ret) { //echo "Gallery user creation ERROR."; //print $ret->getAsHtml(); exit; } else { //echo "user successfully created"; } } ?>

New Member Created

Welcome ,

Your new membership has been successfully created but it isn't active quite yet. You will now be directed to the First Time Use page, it will just take a few seconds and then you are all set. Please click here to continue.

Thank you.

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Thanks for deciding to join. It's easy, totally free, and gives you all the benefits of the Society for Conceptual Logistics in Communication Research.

Because we are a transparent society we need just a couple things:


\n"; } else{ ?>


Join Now!
Your Name:
Select a Username:
Your Email:
Confirm Password:


Passwords must be 6-24 characters long and can contain only letters, numbers, and spaces. No other characters are allowed.

By participating you agree to the terms of service and privacy policy. The bottom line: we never give away personal information (we don't collect any besides your email anyway) and you can always choose to cancel your membership at any point.